Monday, 19 March 2018

Lesson from History

Saturday's Daily Telegraph contained a story that the government are proposing to increase the tax burden on the elderly to fund the NHS.

The TV was on when I read it; a program on Yesterday, titled 'The Nazis - a warning from history.'

The elderly, or baby boomers, seem to be being blamed for an awful lot nowadays - lack of funds for social care, the queues in the NHS, the housing crisis, etc. I'm not sure that's all terribly fair (youngsters have been discouraged from working in their teens for the last couple of decades, to keep the jopbless figures down.... so there's less tax income, for instance, perhaps?)

The worrying thing is that 'the old' are being blamed for things by those who should know better. One parliamentarian has even suggested their votes should be ignored! How far is that from the way the Nazis started out with the Jews?

There's a desire among 'the elite' to appeal to youngsters nowadays; does that really have to mean disenfranchising those over fifty?

Where it all seems to go askew is that many baby boomers are funding their own social care (as Viv is),  aren't staying in a job that a younger person could do, and aren't living in a huge house blocking youngsters from getting on the housing ladder (our 900 sq ft property is just right for the two of us). The problems being blamed on baby boomers caused by much more complex issues, that perhaps the politicians don't want to admit to.

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